When we stop our internal gibberish, for a moment and look honestly and impartially at the world, the inevitable thought must occur that "Either this world is insane or I am, but one of us must remodel, advance and make some breakthrough."

Perhaps you have asked yourself, in the past, at least one of the following questions?

      * Is the World just the way it is, or is it actively shaped by my Beliefs?

      * Is this Universe of Separation Real?

      * Is there a far more Potent and Transcendent Domain beyond this One?

      * Do Higher Dimensional Realms exist, and if so, how do we access them?

      * To what extent, is the ego affecting my life experience and influencing my Decisions?

      * Are we just Bodies randomly floating about in a Nebulous Haphazard Space that has no Meaning?

      * Is Unconditional Peace and Bliss Attainable?

      * Why is there so much Suffering, Sickness, Inequality, Loss, and Death, in the field of my perception?

      * Am I doomed to experience incessant hostilities, ferocious atrocities and never-ending hardships or can I become a Master over my World?

If any of these questions strikes a chord, then perhaps you have not been completely hoodwinked by the world of appearances. Maybe you are ready, now, to get to root of things and take the quantum leap in your spiritual evolution?

Read on, if you are willing to brutally expose many myths, most take for granted. We will explore how the world is a holographic projection of ego thought and nothing more than a mind-generated hallucination. An hallucination, we cannot snap out of because of our ego's attraction to futile desires and endless games of vengeance. So we feel badgered and coerced into playing its never-ending games of guilt, judgment, condemnation and attack and never descend below its iron curtain. Our insatiable desires to feel superior and whole and to compensate for past failures and regrets have us taking the bait. The ill-fated consequence, is that we now fully believe in our illusory bodies and dream fictions and buy in completely to this superficial object-orientated world of a gazillion useless things. Doing so, we have severed ourselves from our only healing sanctuary of Salvation.

Nevertheless, since none of this ever happened, it can all be easily released back into the nothingness from which it came. The unreal cannot stand up to Truth! Correct understandings and the power of reason will shine it effortlessly away, like mists before the morning sun. We will now identify and root-cause how your hallucination began so that you can unburden yourself of it. You will be taken on a voyage that lays bare all dark cornerstones upon which the Relative World is based. Learn how the ego and the dissociated condition, known as "Split-Mind" developed and understand why this is the only reason you experience the delusive and imaginary landscape of Separation.

You will then be taught, how you can your heal your mind entirely by efficaciously leveraging and channeling the learning devices of the (i) The Body (ii) Spacetime and (iii) Consciousness. Mentored on how to competently undertake an evolutionary shift in your consciousness that brings the transcendent realm into your purview. So you will enter higher dimensional worlds where your learning progress will greatly accelerate. Reach to those exalted, radiant, and pure Buddhaverses, in which you will excel in non-dualistic experiencing and very elevated modes of Being. Simultaneously, all you now see will completely fade away and be subsumed by the higher operating manifold.

If you are titillated by Existential Metaphysics, Spiritual and New Age Thought, in general, you may extract great value from what is now ripe for communication. It will also be found a highly engaging and intoxicating read for anyone already familiar with "A Course In Miracles."

The Separation Myth (Kindle e-Book)