Since the dawn of time, the human mind has sought to embrace only the positive, loving and joyful experiences in life. Our natural instinct is to avoid all that repulses us and to shirk anything which provokes fear. We believe there is no cost to our repression. Hence the denied is allowed to lurk deep in our unconscious where it becomes all powerful. Lying active but forgotten it then proceeds to shape the entire world of our perception. Likewise, it forcefully twists and redirects our decision-making processes and determines what opportunities we will engage in. The upshot of all this is that fear suffocates, disempowers, and incapacitates tremendously. Most of us live very dry, monotonous, and unadventurous lives because we are too afraid to face our fears head-on and to eviscerate its noxious poison from our minds.

This publication explores our most fundamental fear types at the deeper metaphysical level, in the hope that once brought to light, they can readily be expunged. We will explore the subaqueous realms where fear’s minions roam and shine these mental demons away through the natural illumination of spiritual wisdom and reason. I will investigate how fear and the ego collude and how they flourish in darkness and within those surface domains of our lower mind. The fundamental psychological dynamics of denial, projection, and dissociation that serve to reinforce our fears are thoroughly analyzed. In consequence, you will begin to understand how fear has forced a split in our identities and coerced us in putting on superficial masks of deception. This has led to a proliferation of idols, temptations and scarcity beliefs that bind us further to the Relative World.

You are entitled to know your mind because it is your divine inheritance. Mind represents your very firsthand experience of living. Those who don't strive to understand their most intimate, integral and foundational thought processes have no alternative but to adapt reactively to the "so-called" external world. Over time they become fickle, unstable and chameleon-like and feel pressured to live as fugitives on the run from themselves.

If you are enamored by New Age self help, Metaphysical thought, and by "A Course in Miracles," you may find this publication very enlightening. It has the power, to rapidly trigger the next progressive step in your spiritual evolution.

Kindle e-Book and Paperbooks Available Now at these links below

A Brief History of Fear (Kindle e-Book)

A Brief History of Fear (Paperback)