The world today is a stunning portrait of ego madness. It is a dark frame riddled with shameless self-absorption, callous disregard, and unabashed self-propaganda on steroids. The proliferation of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapshot, etc. has enabled the "Me Generation" to spread their noxious poison rapidly to all humanity. Authenticity, Integrity, Humility, and due Consideration for others seem to be dreams of the past, and are no longer esteemed. Instead, we are immersed in a vain cosmos littered with prima-donnas, all clamoring for the light, like fireflies. All are attracted to the sound of their individual bullshit. Unfortunately, only the one with the loudest voice and most online connections can win.

Our immense desires for specialness, notoriety, fame and external validation are not something new. These insidious seeds have always been latent as pestilential forces of our collective psyche and were invariably satiated only at great collective expense. One can consider such superficial values chronic mental diseases or an obesity of the mind and they have skyrocketed with the emergence of new technologies. Specialness is the ego's wet dream of Salvation and its chosen replacement for Heaven. Through this seduction, it hopes to erect a paradise built on meretricious worldly idols that can block out Reality and the light of Creation. It seeks to bulldoze the Home of your Heart; the only abode that can bring you unwavering rest, bliss, and unassailable peace.

The ego is continuously on the hunt, to forge further Special Relationships with the far more influential, prestigious and elevated caste of our society. Through cultivating such alliances, it hopes to empower itself and add more jewels to its crown. In certain marriages and partnerships, it expects to find the unconditional love by which it can complete itself. Nevertheless, all such ego strategies are doomed from the beginning because they quickly degenerate into nest-havens of guilt. They represent quixotic attempts to accomplish the impossible and the attempt to find unconditional love through exclusion.

This publication explores our perennial pursuit of specialness, and the enormous damage it inflicts. You will also be introduced to the antidote that cures and eradicates it. We will expose all dark cornerstones behind which the ego hides and shine away all your masks, self-deception and illusions so that the Truth and Holiness within can radiate outward. You will be restored to the recognition of your Eternal Holiness and know with certitude that unmitigated Truth alone brings liberation from all ego nightmares. You will come to see specialness as the forbidden fruit and the apple laced with cyanide. Choosing to no longer bite into this apple, you will at last find the unconditional love and bliss which your dark fantasies of specialness denied!

Kindle e-Book and Paperbooks Available Now at these links below

Specialness: The Forbidden Fruit (Kindle e-Book)

Specialness: The Forbidden Fruit (Kindle Paperback)