Some Great Messages from "A Course In Miracles"

There is No World !

The world you picture is just a projection of all false beliefs you retain in the psychic-matrix of your unconscious! It therefore reflects your state of conscious evolution. External Reality is a myth because true Reality has a timeless and spaceless essence. As you purge yourself of all your false beliefs, the Eternal Reality will shine back into your awareness.


Spacetime, the Body and the World of Perception are all Learning Devices !


The only purpose of these Learning Devices is to restore back to your awareness, the unconditional Love in which you were created.


Spacetime is a Projection of Mind.

It is therefore similar to a self-made holodeck. One in which mind can relive certain experiences and so heal itself. All time is therefore psychological in nature and driven from within. One is merely replaying videos from the apparent past until one needs them no more. Time has no real continuity to it. The arbitrary distinctions of past, present and future are all mind-generated. Once one heals the "past", the future becomes released and one enters more capaciously into the true present.

The body cannot die, because it has never lived.

It is merely a product of consciousness. Consciousness is therefore not in the body - rather the body is an appearance in consciousness. The body is never experienced in the present moment, but is merely the result of memory and anticipation. Therefore it possesses only a pseudo and conditioned existence. Since the body is unreal, it is impossible to seek for pleasure in the body and not find pain. The only useful purpose of the body is communication of Truth.


Perception is just a Mirror of your Thought.

What you perceive is what you have taught yourself in the past, because perception just reflects your state of learning and conscious evolution. As you correct all mistaken thoughts, the dark, distortive and fearful effects they produce will disappear from the mirror of perception. When you have relinquished all false understandings, Truth alone will shine from your mind and the Reality of the Kingdom will rise back before you. Then both the perceiver and perception, as well as perceiving itself comes an end. Since perceiving has always been a false construct of experiencing.

The Present Moment is the only Real Dimension of Time and the Gateway To the Eternal.

The NOW exists at the only portal between Eternity and Time. It is the Home of all Miracles, Holy Instants and experiences of Revelations. From here all true Life Streams Forth. Here the past is healed and the future released. The Now is Whole and Complete. All that is Real exists in it. All that does not exist in the Now, does not exist and simply belongs to the world of illusions.


Miracles are 100% Natural and Happen all the Time! There is no Order of Difficulty to Miracles !

Miracles are the reflexive result of being in harmony with Spirit. They do not Create but are merely restorative. The natural and spontaneous consequence of correct viewing of what is already the case. Miracles are seen through the Vision of Spirit. This stands in stark contrast with the myopic, distorted, dark "seeing" of the ego. This Vision enables all false appearances to be shined away. Miracles therefore always represent a healing interpretation that restores you to right-mindedness.

Time on the other-hand is the product of Split-Mind. It is the false artifice in which all those contradictions, darkness and confusion born of the ego can be healed. All those illusory mirages and apparitions that tempt, haunt, delude or make fearful.


Quantum Forgiveness Alone Stands for Truth, Amidst all the Illusions of the World

This world you perceive is but a dream. Quantum Forgiveness heals this dream, paving the way for True Reality. The world being a projection of destructive ego thinking patterns cannot heal itself. Quantum Forgiveness nevertheless relinquishes the ego in its entirety.

Consciousness and Perception exist in a Dualistic Relationship in the Relative Existence !

They are the product of ignorance and erroneous understanding. They present false states of Being. Consciousness properly understood is the domain of the ego, while perception just passively reflects our states of consciousness. Consciousness and perception, taken together can be considered the operational mode of experiencing, known as "Split-Mind". When all your erroneous thoughts are corrected, consciousness and perception will disappear. Then you will be restored to the pure undefiled and unitary state, known as the One-Mind.


The Ego Belief in Separation is the only cause of all Sickness and Suffering !

This is the belief that the world is separate from the mind and each is separate from "others." That mind is discontinuous and fragmented and islanded in billions of separate bodies. It naturally leads to Hostility, Attack, Judgment and a dazzling array of Defensive Strategies. Another product of this belief is the Victimization Mindset and the bleak thought that can succeed at the expense of another.


You Possess what you Give - Not What you Take !

When you are prepared to give all away freely, you will know your Abundance. This is true not only of the realm of ideas, but also of the material universe of things. Because this universe is just a projection of thought.

To have Peace you must extend Peace! To have Healing you must be willing to heal "others", through the practice of Quantum Forgiveness. Only then will you know of your own Immaculate Innocence and Wholeness, because you will see it reflected back from everyone you chose to heal and release.

There are only Two Thought Systems - (1) The False one of the ego (2) The Knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

The Thought System of the ego stands on behalf of all that is untrue. Yet the ego cannot know anything, because it arose only after Knowledge was lost to our awareness. It is therefore the repository of all our Unreal thoughts. Our endorsement of ego beliefs is the only cause of us experiencing existence through "Split-Mind". This leads directly to the hallucinatory universe known as the Relative existence. All ego beliefs are fearful in nature. They are concerned with such thoughts as (i) Separation (ii) Sickness (iii) Sacrifice (iv) Victimization (v) Lack (vi) Sin (vii) Self Aggrandizement (viii) Attack/Vengeance (ix) Pleasure Seeking and (x) Death. They naturally lead to judgment, condemnation, projection, dissociation and a dizzying array of unneeded defenses and solutions that will not work. The ego leads down a thorny path, which is a Cul-de-Sac. The terminus being another illusory experience of death.

The Holy Spirit alone possesses the Knowledge of the Kingdom. He speaks always and only on behalf of Truth. He extends into our minds that timeless Knowledge which inspires, heals and releases the past. Bringing us into the true Present where we experience Miracles, Holy Instants and experiences of Revelations. The Holy Spirit teaches that Salvation is of the Mind. That you become healed and joyous, to the extent that you correct and relinquish all the false and corrosive beliefs of the ego. He advises that you give only what you would receive and teach only what you would wish to know. Teach Abundance and you will know no lack. Extend forgiveness and you will see your innocence.

The ego and the Holy Spirit cannot communicate because they share no common ground. The ego interprets all it perceives, through the distorting prism of evil motivations, sinfulness and fear. It projects its own feelings of inadequacy and evil to all.The Holy Spirit in complete contrast interprets all through the transparent, non-distortive, light affirming lens of true Knowledge.

There Are only Two Emotions - Love and Fear !

Just as there are only two Thought Systems, likewise there are only two Emotions. Love and Fear. Love is the only emotion that has any Reality. It shares the same essence as Truth and is the Source of all Creation. It is the natural outcome of following the inspired guidance of the Holy Spirit and is therefore expansive and liberating in nature. Love excludes no one and holds no exceptions. It makes no bargains but remains unconditional, impartial and boundless in its giving. You no longer need Love, when you are prepared to give it unconditionally.

Fear, on the other-hand has no Reality in Truth and only pseudo-reality in the Relative Existence. It arises out of ignorance and is synonymous with the ego. Fear must always attach itself to form. Experiencing fear, one becomes contractive to life. When all your fear is dispelled through right understanding, Love alone will be known!

Executing the Power of Decision is your Only Freedom, as a Seeming Prisoner of this World !

Execute this power judiciously and constructively on behalf of Spirit and you will heal and escape the Relative Existence. Then you will Awaken and the Kingdom will dawn back into your awareness. You will know your True Reality as Unconditional Love and never-ending Bliss.

Execute it wastefully and destructively, to endorse the ego and you will find yourself hopelessly stuck in the mire of the Relative Existence. Becoming more disenchanted, worn-down and despairing with each passing day. Until eventually, you will eagerly choose death once more.

All good decisions recognize the shared nature of Mind. They reflect that our real interests are shared and the same. Everyone benefits from such decisions. All bad decisions are attempts to deny "others". But by subtracting from "others" one simply loses awareness of one's own Wholeness and Completion.


All Thought and Healing is Shared !

This is because all Mind is One! Whatever thought you drop into the Ocean of Mind, will eventually reach each aspect of this Ocean. To heal any aspect of mind, is to extend healing to all of it. Just as with the net of Indra, when you remove any spot of darkness from any of the gems, this spot is no longer reflected in the rest. All healing represents integration of mind and the completed healed Mind, knows only of its Wholeness and Perfection.

All unhealed minds are in a severely dissociated state. One maintained by their failures to forgive and so recognize their unity with all aspects of Mind. The result is sickness and isolation, in which individual bubbles of mind mistakenly think, they exist apart from the Ocean and all other bubbles. They therefore proceed to judge and defend and to build private illusory little fiefdoms around themselves. Fiefdoms where they can hide away from "others" and existence as a whole. Yet they cannot heal until they drop their defenses and come to recognize their unity with the entire Ocean of Mind.

Truth is not to be Created, Only Restored to your Awareness !

Reaching back to your Original State of Perfection, is not a question of adding anything new, but simply one of removing all false ego beliefs. These beliefs shroud your Perfection and Immaculate Being. They cover Truth with a mantle of darkness. Yes, one cannot perfect perfection, but one can remove all that obscures it.

Truth and Liberation is not a state that you have to arrive at. It is a reality, you are already at. You know the Truth to the extent that you restore It back to your awareness. This means harmonizing all your thoughts and behaviors with Truth Principle, while being rigorous in purging all that is false. Yes, your bondage is imaginary and self-imposed. Your recognize your freedom to the extent that you remove all worldly knowledge and self-made ego distortions.

The ego would have you deny Reality and settle for the dream of ignorance instead. Yet your denial will not save you. It is what keeps you in hell. What you do not know will and does hurt you. Thus the ego's denial of truth, pictures to you an image of weakness and vulnerability. One tarnished and fragmented that screams of its victimhood everywhere it goes.

The Real World Vs. The Relative Existence.

The Real World of Heaven and the Absolute is one that is formless and objectless. One that has no contrasts, differentiations, orders or levels. Instead all that is part of it, is extremely potent, limitless, loving and experiences full unhindered communication with the Mind of God. There are no animals, buildings, bodies or technical gadgets. No prescriptions drugs, fast cars, jobs or unnatural light. No disease, suffering or death. No loss or diminishment and no time. It is one in which all is given unconditionally and content alone is what is appreciated.

The unreal world of the Relative Existence, in stark contrast is exclusively focused, even obsessed with form. It is a world of Hierarchies and illusions and all idle phantasms that permeate the ego mind. One or contrasts, orders, levels and differentiations. One in which the unreal become magnified out of all proportion, while the real becomes diminished, distorted and miniaturized into seeming nothingness. A world driven by various magical beliefs, that the ego entertain. One therefore captivated and infatuated with all "miracle" drugs, worthless remedies and distractive technologies. One that attempts political and economical solutions to arrive at Peace and Happiness. One in which the power of mind become projected to external proxies and agents. So does one's true power of mind remain unknown. It is world driven by the ego's harsh yet arbitrary judgments, where loss, misery, suffering and death are everywhere to be seen. One that erodes all confidence and vitality and leads only to despair.

All Memories can be Both Real or Unreal !

Memories can be both false or true. Because your memory can be as selective as your perception. It can be used to emphasize the false and so darken your world. All ego memories are the product of its own distortions and therefore pertain to an hallucinatory universe that never existed.

Nevertheless Truth remains in your memory, as does the future. Because the future is not to come but has already happened. One of the key functions of the Holy Spirit is to remove all false memories from your mind. He purifies and reorganizes your memories. Purging all that is false while strengthening those in alignment with Truth. When only Truth remains, His job is done. Then memory is no longer needed, since its purpose has been served. Then memory no longer functions as a darkening overlay over present perceptions.


All Experiences can be both Real and Unreal !

Just as with memories, experiences too can be considered Real and Unreal. It is just a question of where your experience is taking you to. Is it towards Truth or away from it. Whether it is inspired by the Holy Spirit or powered by ego thoughts. Unreal "ego" experiences lead you deeper into darkness and Hell. In stark contrast, experiences guided by the Holy Spirit lead one to light. They result in clarity of mind, peace, increased expansivity and unconditional joyfulness. Eventually is immersed in Truth and dispossess the world of falseness completely. Then the Relative Existence is experienced no more.